Geek Markets is a comic con held across ACT and NSW, featuring a curated collection of geek-themed vendors and creators. Taking place in multiple cities throughout the year, Geek Markets is designed by geeks, for geeks—a celebration of creativity and passion in all its forms.
It is a condition of applying to Geek Markets that you read ALL of the terms and conditions written here and put them into practice if accepted to the event.
*Fan Art is defined by Geek Markets as the following: Fan art generally refers to a creation derived from the official original content, but is not claiming to be officially endorsed by the rights holder or could be mistaken for the original content. In addition to this, there can be no use of licensed logos in these creations. Recolouring or tracing of official art is not considered Fan Art and cannot be sold at Geek Markets
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom, that makes you super awesome in our books. We realise there is a lot of information here but most of it is just common sense, bring a little of that and you will be sweet!